The B7 chord

Chord diagram for the B7 guitar chord.
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Step by Step

Let’s walk through how to play that B seventh chord, one finger at a time, on your guitar.

  1. Put your first finger on the first fret of the fourth string.
  2. Put your second finger on the second fret of the fifth string.
  3. Put your third finger on the second fret of the third string.
  4. Put your fourth finger on the second fret of the first string.
  5. Strum only the thinnest five strings.


If you’re moving beyond the basics, we’ve got a whole series of lessons on seventh chords in the ChordBank App.

You’ll learn the most important seventh chords, get practice changing between them, all at your own pace with videos, flashcards and playalongs.


Chord Coach

Don’t go it alone! You can practice this B7 chord with real-time feedback as you play with ChordBank’s Chord Coach.


ChordBank will listen on your phone’s microphone as you play, guiding you one finger at a time.

Anna Freitas holds a B.A. from Berklee College of Music and performs throughout New England as a guitarist and vocalist. She continues to teach students, both in-person and online via Skype.