sws— title: Saved Chords permalink: /guides/saved/ image: http://www.chordbank.com/media/tipshare-save.jpg layout: guide summary: Save chords to practice or write with, and organize your favorites. rank: 1000 tags: - guides - chordbank - root

Save and Organize Chords

Save chords to practice or write with, and organize your favorites.

Related Tips

Organize Saved Chords with Collections »
Create collections to keep your chords organized.
Choose Saved Chords, Fast »
Choosing a chord from any of your saved collections, and the rest will be easy to tap and swipe between.
Remove a Saved Collection »
If you're finished with a collection of chords, it's easy to delete.
Reorder Saved Chords »
Tap and hold a saved chord to move it around.
Save Reverse Chords »
Save reverse chords to keep track of your favorite finds.
Unsave chords »
Tap the "-" button to unsave chords.

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Reverse Chord Finder »
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Backing Tracks »
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